An Interview With Hayleigh JM

Meet Hayleigh Jade; a gorgeous, as well as incredibly successful, fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. With an Instagram following of almost 60k, countless promotion opportunities and an crazily popular blog, there’s absolutely no doubt about it, this woman knows her stuff! I really believe she has a lot to teach everyone, whether you’re a blogger or not.

And so, I invite you all to take a peek into the life of this blogging idol – over to you Hayleigh!

– What made you start blogging?Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 17.04.11

I somewhat fell into it really, I got Instagram for the same reasons everyone else does really, as a form of social media and keeping up with your friends. I have always had an interest in fashion and when I realised people began asking me where things I was wearing were from I realised people were actually interested, and it all went from there really!

– What do you regard as your biggest blogging achievement in your time as a blogger?

If I am honest, I always degrade my blog in my own head, which I really shouldn’t so I find this a very hard question to answer as I am constantly comparing myself to other bloggers and their achievements. However being shortlisted for the Cosmopolitan Blogger Awards 2015 was exciting!

– Who inspires you?

Victoria from In The Frow and Lydia Millen are most definitely my blogger inspirations, and then my ultimate goal would to be as successful as Kayture.

– What is your favourite pre-spring 2016 trend so far?

Ready to wear would most definitely be thigh high boots, they are everywhere and are a really lovely both winter and spring transition shoe, especially in England where the weather is not exactly warm!

 – What is your favourite item of clothing/accessory that you own and why?Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 17.03.24

My most prized possession is the signed pair of Louboutin’s I own from when I was lucky enough to meet Christian Louboutin in person and get my very first pair of Louboutin’s signed by him, It was an experience I will never forget meeting one of my inspirations. I also have a soft spot for my designer handbags as they are most definitely my weakness.

– How do you go about putting together an outfit?

I tend to choose an outfit I know and love and try and change a certain element, or try and work around one item I am wanting to wear that day and build the look around that.

 – What are your go-to high-street fashion stores?

H&M is always so amazing for simple capsule pieces you know you’ll be able to wear with so many items which is why I love H&M so much.

– You are given the opportunity to meet one iconic fashion designer – who would it be and why?Manolo-Blahnik

I would absolutely love to meet Manolo Blahnik, just because I think his shoes are the pinnacle of female sophistication.

 – How do you find promotion opportunities?

 Set yourself up an email address and make sure it is easily found so that brands that want to work with you can easily get in touch!

 – What advice would you give someone new to fashion blogging/blogging in general?

Try and give yourself a unique angle that is true to you, don’t feel like you have to conform your images or even your style to what is successful in the present because people are most likely going to enjoy something fresh and personable. 

– How would you suggest that a new blogger increased their audience?

This is something I struggle with very much, I feel like I am going backwards sometimes! Try and post brands you know will repost your images and then you will gain exposure through their pages, and choose your hashtags wisely!

– What are your future plans for your blog/Instagram?

I really want to grow my blog the best I can this year, and would really love to branch out into YouTube content as well.


If you enjoyed this post I suggest you give Hayleigh a follow – just click on the link below to check out her blog and find her other social media links!

Once again I’d like to say a MAHOOSIVE thank you to Hayleigh for giving me this opportunity and thank you from the blogging community for being an inspiration to all.

Emilia x

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